Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library
669 Exeter Road London,
Ontario, N6E 1L3, Canada
Telephone: (519) 686-2772
Business Documents
What is The OGSR Library?
The Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library is a not for profit resource centre for the study of the subsurface geology, petroleum, salt and underground hydrocarbon storage resources of Ontario.
The Library can trace its origin to the late 1800's and early 1900's, when the Geological Survey of Canada solicited voluntary submissions of drill cuttings and core from oil and gas wells drilled in Ontario and other parts of the country. This informal collection evolved into the establishment of a core and sample processing, storage and study facility in Ottawa. In 1950, a similar facility was established in Calgary and all western Canada samples were transferred to Calgary. In 1971, the Ontario core and cuttings were shipped to the new Petroleum Resource Laboratory in London, Ontario. The Laboratory was originally located in rented facilities at 458 Central Avenue in London. A new building was constructed at the present location in 1987. In February of 1998, responsibility for library operation was transferred to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust. This change was the start of a new era for the library and it continues to be a valuable source of geological information.
Staff and Organization
The Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library is operated by the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust, created by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources under the authority of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act. The Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ontario Petroleum Institute, has been appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources to act as the Trustee. The Trustee operates the Library according to the terms of a Trust Agreement with the Ministry. The Library is currently staffed by four full time employees. The office of the MNR geologist is also located in the library.
Ontario Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Corporation
The Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust was formed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources pursuant to amendments made to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act in 1997.
The Ontario Oil Gas and Salt Resources Corporation (Corporation) is an entity established by the Ontario Petroleum Institute (OPI). The Corporation is the “Original Trustee” to a Trust Agreement signed with the Government of Ontario on February 16, 1998 to manage and operate the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library.
The Executive Officers of the OPI are the officers of the Corporation:
- Dale Holland, President
- Jim McIntosh, First Vice-President
- Frank Kuri, Second Vice-President
- Lonnie Barnes, Treasurer
- Denis Marcus, Secretary
Resources Available at The Library
The Library Specializes in the collection, generation, and distribution of information on the subsurface geology, petroleum and salt resources of Ontario. This includes information on:
- Paleozoic geology of Ontario
- Oil and gas exploration, drilling, production, and disposal of oil-field fluids
- Natural gas storage reservoirs
- Solution mining of salt
- Subsurface storage of hydrocarbons in solution mined caverns
The OGSR Library houses cutting samples from over 13,000 wells, core from nearly 1000 wells, and file information on over 26,000 wells. The files include details on well history, construction, location, stratigraphy, oil, gas, and water-bearing intervals. Included in well records are also geophysical logs, core analyses and chemical analyses of subsurface fluid samples. An extensive collection of publications on subsurface geology is also available. File data and samples from drilling operations are confidential for one year after TD date (drilling of Total Depth) for exploratory wells and 30 days for all other wells.
Core and cutting samples from Ontario are processed on the premises and are stored in racks and cabinets within the sample storage area of the library. For processing purposes there is a cutting, washing and drying machine, and 14" and 6" diameter diamond blade saws for slabbing of core. A comfortable, climate controlled client workroom is available for use in viewing samples. The room is equipped with a roller table, semi-private cubicles, open work tables, binocular microscopes, a trinocular petrographic microscope and geological supplies (10% HCl, Alizarin Red S, thumb plates, heating plates etc.). A file work area is also available to the clients. There is a photocopier located on the premises for client use.
Services Offered
The OGSR Library may be utilized in several ways.
It has a client base comprised of annual members who pay either a personal membership fee of $660.00 CN or a corporate membership fee of $1925.00 CN. These members have unlimited access to files and samples during operating hours Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm (excluding confidential files). They also pay reduced fees for use of the photocopier.
It is also accessible to daily users who pay a daily or weekly rate. The rate for daily users depends upon time spent in the facility and the resources that they use.
The file and sample storage areas are primarily self-serve; however, staff members are available if help is required.
Requests for well file information may be taken by OGSR Library staff over the phone, by e-mail or by using this web site. Service fees are based on labor time and reproduction costs. Sampling of core may be done by either clients or staff members. Strict procedures must be adhered to when sampling core or cuttings. Prices and conditions for this service will be discussed upon request.
Acquisition of Samples
All companies that drill wells licensed under the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act are required to collect cuttings samples of bedrock from the entire length of the drill hole at 3 metre intervals, and deliver these samples to the Library. Any core recovered from a well is required to be submitted to the Library within one year after the TD date of the well.
Well operators are required to submit copies of all reports, geophysical logs, analyses, etc. to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Copies of all reports are available at the Library for public study after the confidentiality period expires.
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm