Petroleum Well Data - Ontario

Digital data sets consist of: Well Licence Number, Well Name, Current Status, Operator Name, Well Class, Geological Target, Well Type, Well Mode, Total Depth, County, Township, Tract, Lot, Concession, Lake Erie Block, Lake Erie Tract, North/South Boundary, East/West Boundary, Surface Latitude, Surface Longitude, Bottom-Hole Latitude, Bottom-Hole Longitude, Spacing Order, Start Date,Total Depth Date, Plug Date and Core Number.

Note: This data is free of charge, if you wish to purchase extended version click here for more information.

Petroleum Data Download:

MS Excel [XLSX](12 Mb)

CSV [CSV](4.5 Mb)


Freshness: 2025 - 01 - 10

Petroleum Pools Shapefile:

Shapefile UTM 17N NAD 83 [SHP](6.2 Mb)

Freshness: 2024 - 10 - 22

Geophysics Locations Shapefile (GeoGeo):

Shapefile UTM 17N NAD 83 [SHP](500 Kb)

Year of Last Report: 2012

Wireline Log Locations Download:

CSV Database File [CSV](3.8 Mb)

All Logs with Links to Raster [XLSX](1.2 Mb) 2013-11-05

All Digital LAS Curves [XLSX](500 Kb) 2013-11-05

Online Interactive Well Map
Well Card Search
Draw A Basic Stick Cross-Section Online
Oil, Gas & Water Anayses Tables

Southern Ontario lot/concession grid for Google Earth
(122 MB)

Elgin County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Essex County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Haldimand County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Lambton County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Norfolk County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Welland County lot/concession grid for Google Earth

Lake Erie block grid for Google Earth

Lake Erie tract grid for Google Earth


Member Data

Annual Production by Pool for 2023 - 2024 (xlsx)

Natural Gas Production for 2023 - 2024 (xlsx)

Oil Production for 2023 - 2024 (xlsx)

Analyses - Gas (xlsx)

Analyses - Oil (xlsx)

Analyses - Water (xlsx)

Core Analyses Data (xlsx)

Card Catalogue - Chips (archived) (pdf)

Card Catalogue - Cores (archived) (pdf)

Petroleum Well Status History (xlsx)

Production - Monthly Production by Well (xlsx)

Production - Operator Index (xlsx)

Production - Natural Gas by Pool 2023 [27KB] (xlsx)

Production - Oil by Pool 2023 [21KB] (xlsx)

Production - Scanned Records 2023 [115MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2022 [197MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2021 [601MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2020 [860MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2019 [800MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2018 [910MB] (pdf)

Production - Scanned Records 2017 [840MB] (pdf)

Production - Wellhead Shut-in Pressure (csv)

Rock Core with Estimate Formation Overlap (xlsx)

Salt Cavern Summary Report (pdf)

Member GIS Layers

Base Data Package [1.2GB](SHP)

Bedrock Faults (SHP)

GeoGeo Locations (SHP)

Horizontal Well Paths (SHP)

Petroleum Pools (SHP)

Rock Imaging Locations (SHP)

Subcrop Map - 2019 (pdf/SHP)

Member Digital Subsurface Data

Digital Subsurface Data 2025-01-10 [34.0MB](CSV)

Digital Subsurface Data 2024-10-24 [32.6MB](CSV)

Complete subsurface database for all members who have purchased the subsurface data or update within the past year.

Member Leapfrog Models

Lithostratigraphy [0.7GB](lfview)

Hydrostratigraphy [1.2GB](lfview)


Terms & Conditions:

Whereas the Library has a library of information - primarily obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources­ pertaining to the oil and gas industry in Ontario, that it is entitled to resell subject to certain MNR conditions; And Whereas the User wishes to obtain portions of that information from time to time for its own use; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the User and the Library agree as follows 1. Definitions: In this Agreement, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: 1.1. “Licensed Material” means all material supplied to the User by the Library from time to time, which may be in hardcopy, digital, or other format; 1.2. “MNR” means the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; 2. Licensed Material: Subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, the Library will provide Licensed Material to the User from time to time at the request of the User. 3. Use: The User may only use the Licensed Material or other material containing or created from the Licensed Material for its own internal use, and may not copy, distribute, resell, or reproduce in other media. 4. Copyright: The copyright in the Licensed Material is owned by the MNR and/or the Library. The User may not remove any copyright notices contained in the Licensed Material. 5. Purchase: The Reseller shall obtain available Licensed Material by contacting the Library pursuant to the contact information contained in section 22 herein. 6. Payment: The Reseller shall pay the Library for the use of the Licensed Material the amounts contained in the Library standard price list at the time of order. The Library may amend its price list at any time, provided that it gives the User at least 30 days prior notice of the changes. 7. As Is: The User acknowledges that the Library obtains the Licensed Materials from third parties. The Licensed Material is licensed on an “as is’ basis and the Library make no guarantees, representations, conditions or warranties respecting the Licensed Material, either express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, effectiveness, completeness, accuracy, format or fitness for a particular purpose. 8. Indemnity: The User shall indemnify and save harmless the Library and its employees, contractors, suppliers, agents, trustees, and directors from and against any claim, demand, or action, irrespective of the nature of the cause of the claim, demand, or action, alleging loss, costs, expenses, damages, or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the User’s use of the Licensed Material or in any way relating to this Agreement. 9. Term: This Agreement shall continue until either party terminates, which can be done at either party’s discretion and without penalty, upon thirty (30) days written notice. The Library may, by written notice given to the User, at any time, immediately terminate this Agreement in whole or in part, without prior opportunity to cure, if: a. the User is in default of any obligation under this Agreement; b. the User makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or a proposal or arrangement under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (the “Act”), if a petition is filed against the Reseller under the Act, if the Reseller is declared or adjudicated bankrupt, if a liquidator, trustee in bankruptcy, custodian, receiver, or any other officer with similar powers is appointed on behalf of or for the Reseller or if the Reseller commits any act of bankruptcy or shall propose an arrangement or compromise or institutes proceedings to be adjudged bankrupt or insolvent; c. the MNR reasonably objects to any of the information appearing in the products in which the Licensed Material is reproduced in whole or in part; and d. the business practices of the User jeopardize or cause loss of respect to the MNR and/or the Queens Printer. 10. Survival: The provisions of this Agreement pertaining to rights and obligations which by their nature should survive termination are hereby confirmed to so survive. 11. Force Majeure: The Library shall not be liable for an omission or delay in the execution of its obligations hereunder caused by an event beyond its the reasonable control including fire, war, abnormal weather conditions, act of god, governmental regulation, governmental request or requisition for national defence. The time for the performance of the obligation which is so delayed shall be extended by a reasonable time beyond the cessation of the cause of the delay 12. Assignment: The Reseller may assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder only with the consent of the Library, which may be arbitrarily withheld. 13. Binding Nature: This Agreement is binding and enures to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns. 14. Waiver: Waiver of any default or breach of this Agreement by either party shall not be construed as a waiver of either a subsequent or continuing default. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect a party's liability by reason of any act, default, or occurrence prior to such termination, nor shall it preclude the non-defaulting party from exercising or pursuing any other right or remedy as may be available to it at law or in equity, including a suit for damages or specific performance. 15. Complete Agreement: This Agreement, together with any schedules hereto, contains the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings, proposals, negotiations, representations or warranties of any kind whether written or oral. No oral or written representation that is not expressly contained in this Agreement is binding on either party. This Agreement cannot be amended or modified, other than by a change made in writing, dated and executed by the Parties. Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. 16. Severability: All sections, terms and provisions of this Agreement are severable, and the unenforceability or invalidity of any of these parts of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement. If any court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision in this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, it is the intention of the parties that the court or arbitrator either partially enforce such provision to the extent enforceable or modify such provision so as to render it valid or enforceable. 17. Independent Contractors: The Reseller and User are independent contractors, each in full control of its own business. This Agreement does not establish a joint venture or partnership between them. Neither party is the agent of the other and neither has the authority to bind the other in respect of any third party. Neither party will under any circumstances hold itself out to be a partner, employee, franchisee, legal representative, servant or agent of the other. 18. Notices: All required notices, or notices which may be provided in accordance with this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be duly provided for if the notice is remitted to its addressee by courier, registered mail, or facsimile, to the address listed above, or such other address as the party which is to receive the notice indicates to the party providing the notice, in the manner provided for in this section. Every notice delivered in the manner provided for herein shall be deemed to have been received: when delivered or by facsimile the first business day after the date received; or the fifth business day following the date of mailing, if sent by mail. 19. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, excluding conflicts of laws provisions and excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The Parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario, and the Federal Court of Canada. Any actions against the Library must be commenced in the courts of Ontario or the Federal Court of Canada. 20. Currency: Except where otherwise expressly stated all dollar amounts referred to in this Agreement are in Canadian funds. 21. Language: It is the express wish of the Parties that this Agreement and all related documents be drawn up in English. C'est la volenté expresse des Parties que la présente convention ainsi que les documents qui s'y rattachment soient rédigés en anglais. 22. Contact Information: Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library, 669 Exeter Road, London, Ontario, Canada, N6E 1L3, Telephone: 1-519-686-2772, Fax: 1-519-686-7225