Petroleum Operations

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

659 Exeter Road,
London, Ontario,
N6E 1L3, Canada
Fax: (519) 873-4645

Core Business:

Petroleum Operations (PO) is located in London, Ontario and houses geological, engineering, inspection and support staff.

Petroleum Operations provides governance over Ontario's oil, gas, salt and underground storage industries including policy development and field delivery of licensing, inspection, enforcement and Crown land tenure programs. Petroleum Operations collects and manages well and production data, subsurface geological information and houses a drill sample and core library which is operated in partnership with Ontario’s oil, gas, salt and underground storage industries.

Petroleum Operations vision is to contribute to the environmental, social and economic well being of the province through the safe and sustainable development of Ontario's oil, natural gas, salt solution-mining and underground storage resources and the protection of natural interests.


Joe Van Overberghe 519-873-4635 Manager
Arnott, Anne 519-873-4785 Abandoned Works Engineer
Bailey, Frank 519-873-4786 Petroleum Compliance Supervisor
Carter, Terry 519-873-4641 Chief Geologist
Arthur, Castillo 519-873-4644 Spatial Data Specialist
Circelli, Fernando 519 873-4783 Petroleum Inspector
Clark, Adrienne 519-873-4781 Petroleum Inspector
Coxon, Chad 519-873-4782 Petroleum Inspector
Douglas, Danielle 519-873-4634 Administrative Assistant
Fortner, Lee 519-873-4628 Sedimentary Geologist
Gilbert, Sandra 519-873-4638 Program Administrator
Kilby, Shelley 519-873-4784 Petroleum Inspector
Manocha, Jug 519-873-4637 Operations Engineer
Owen, Cathy 519-873-4642 Data Integrity Specialist/Webmaster
Rybansky, Rudy 519-873-4636 Chief Engineer
Smith, Jim 519-873-4640 Compliance Specialist
Sullivan, Wendy 519-873-4633 Records Officer
Thompson, Tracy 519-873-4780 Petroleum Inspector
Waite, Deane 519-873-4627 Petroleum Inspector
Wilson, Julie 519-873-4643 Information Management Specialist Intern
Fax: 519-873-4645