Published | Article |
2003 / 11 / 06 | Use of Iodine Surface Geochemistry for Exploration of Silurian Reefs in the Illinois and Michigan Basins Categories: Cavern Storage Symposium, Geochemistry, Logging |
2001 / 11 / 14 | Independent Complementary Inorganic and Organic Soil Geochemical Techniques for Mapping Reservoirs and Subsurface Structures Categories: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Logging |
1995 / 10 / 18 | Evaluation of Ordovician and Cambrian Reservoirs of Southern Michigan and Ontario Using Surface Geochemical Methods Categories: uncategorized |
1990 / 11 / 14 | Chemical Analysis of Soupholes and Stimulation Fluids: Why Bother? Categories: Environment |
1986 / 10 / 20 | Generating and Evaluating Prospects With Play-Specific Geochemical Techniques Categories: Geophysics Geochemistry and Logging |
1984 / 10 / 21 | Diagenetic Evaluation and Chemical Fluid Vectors of the Silurian Formations, Michigan Basin Categories: Geology, Silurian |
1984 / 10 / 21 | Geology and Geochemistry of the Trenton-Black River Formations of Southern Michigan Categories: Geology, Ordovician |
1982 / 10 / 24 | Part One - Geochemical Character and Origin of Ontario Oils and Natural Gases Categories: Geology, Regional |
1977 / 10 / 16 | Enhanced Oil Recovery by Micellar Polymer Flooding Categories: Treatment & Testing |
1976 / 10 / 03 | Helium Surveys: an Exploration Tool for Locating Uranium, Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Sources Categories: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Logging |
1975 / 10 / 19 | Evaporite Cycles in the Devonian of Michigan Categories: Geology Devonian |
1975 / 10 / 19 | The Petro-Chemical Industry Categories: Pipelines, Processing, Refining |